General questions

Unfortunately it is not possible to give away demos of our products. But we offer our “teaser pack” which includes a selection of IRs to try out.

Since we sell digital products which by nature can’t really be returned we do not offer refunds or exchanges after a purchase.

If you somehow run into trouble with one of our products, please contact us at support@d-night-audio.com.


Our IR packs come as “.wav” files at 24 bit and in sample-rates of 44.1khz, 48khz, 88,2khz and 96khz. Everything is organized in a folder structure to help you find what you want.

The TONEX packs come as “.txp” preset files that you can load into your IK TONEX hard-or software.

Aside from the files itself we give you a little PDF guide with additional infos about the product.

We wrap all this together into a “.zip” file that you can download and then extract to your liking.


You can load our IRs in any kind of IR loader that can load “.wav” IR files whether it’s software or hardware based. Please check if your device or plugin features this capability before you buy.


Our TONEX packs only work in the IK Multimedia TONEX eco-system, wether it is the TONEX software or the TONEX pedal hardware. Please check, if you have a TONEX compatible device at your disposal before you buy.

Your order should be processed instantly and you should get an email with a download link shortly after your purchase.

If you didn’t receive an email please check your ‘spam’ folder and if you entered your email address correctly. If everything looks fine and you still didn’t get anything, please contact us at support@d-night-audio.com.

As musicians and producers have different demands on IRs we want to address this needs with our different product lines.

In the “musician packs” you get a selection of mix-ready and set-and-forget styled IRs. You don’t need to think about hi- or low-cuts or EQ treatment (which you can still do, if you want, of course!) and all delivered IRs will work in a mix or live. We don’t throw a thousand IRs in your face but give you the tools, ready to go.

The “producer packs” are the opposite. Here you get full control over the cab. You can choose between a ton of mics, positions and distances to finetune your tone in detail to your mix. Full control also means that you want to do the tweaks yourself. So we do no hi- or low-cut, no EQ, nothing! Just cab – mic – preamp. It may take longer to find your favourites and you can easily get lost in the lot of possibilities but hey, that’s the fun, right?!